
Extended License


Multi-Site Use

Perform Live






Create NFTs

Standard License


If the same organization



If part of a performance


If part of a performance





Extended License


If the same organization



If unaltered & part of a performance OR If remixed


If unaltered & part of a performance OR If remixed


If a church of any size or a non-church organization of 250 employees or less


If remixed



Stock License


If the same organization






As a derivative work


As a derivative work


The Extended License grants You, the User, a perpetual, non-exclusive license to make use of the products, on the following terms for the duration of the License Term.  

Extended Licenses are for use in live events, in digital streaming, in digitally hosted content (such as on platforms like YouTube), on social media platforms (such as Facebook), on local access television, but not for network broadcasts. 

The Extended License allows churches of any size and non-church organizations of 250 employees or less the license to remix, alter, or create derivatives of Content into unique End Products. 

These remixed, derivative End Products may be used outside of a live, full length sermon or church service (such as streaming, on websites, on YouTube and other social media property). Story Loop retains ownership of the Content, including any modified versions or Derivative works. Under Copyright Law, a Derivative work is any work based on or derived from one or more already existing works, namely the content you license from Story Loop. Example: if you use a video clip synced in your video, you can’t claim rights to the video clip (even  if you apply “ContentID” or similar systems to the video clip). Our original creators own the Copyright to their works, including any rights over Derivatives. 

These remixed End Products may be used in situations where advertising revenue is generated, such as YouTube, but original content that has not been transformed may not be used in situations that monetize the content via advertising revenue.

Extended License content that has been remixed into derivative End Products cannot be sold. Extended License content cannot be used to create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These remixed End Products can be distributed as long as they do not undermine the market value of the original Content. Original Content that is unaltered may not be sold or distributed.

Please contact Story Loop sales at [email protected] for an individually negotiated license to sell Derivative work, for non-church organizations with over 250 employees, or to broadcast on network television. Our content creators are small artists and our content is priced accordingly. For larger scale use, it is only fair to negotiate better terms for our artists that is commensurate with the use.

This license can be terminated unilaterally at the discretion of Story Loop if you breach these terms and don’t remedy the breach within a reasonable period at the sole discretion of Story Loop. If termination happens, you must stop using the Content, including any End Products which you have incorporated the Content into, until you remove the Content from them.

Extended License: DO

Use Content as-is.

Churches of any size or non-church organizations of 250 employees or less may remix, alter, or create derivatives of Content. Edit the Content to create derivative End Products that are transformative, and/or different in nature than the source Content.  

Examples of End Products: lyric videos, websites, presentations, online videos, corporate videos, films, TV shows and advertisements.  

Download Content to your local computer, server network or the cloud. 

Use Content at any location of your Organization under a single legal entity.  Please contact us if you need a license for use by affiliated Organizations which are organized as separate legal entities.

Use Content during any kind of live, physical setting: church service, conferences, Bible studies, presentations, etc.

Use Content on Web/Social if it is a part a full length sermon or church service that is live-streamed, live broadcast on Facebook or YouTube, or as part of a webcast.

Use Content on Social Media. Examples of Social Media Posts include advertisements for your church or business and inspirational Bible verse posts. 

Archive Content on Web/Social: as part of a live stream or as part of a live performance in a physical setting, posted online or archived in any way.

Churches of any size or non-church organizations of 250 employees or less may distribute derivative End Products as stand alone works via streaming, websites, and social media (such as YouTube) even if advertising revenue is generated. Content must be transformed so the end product is distinct from the original content, mere superficial modifications are not sufficient. An example would be a lyric video using a Story Loop motion background underneath on-screen text.

Extended License: DON'T

Don’t redistribute any unedited Content. Remixed derivative End Products may be distributed as long as they are not sold.

Don’t resell any Content, including any Derivative works.

Don’t post unedited Content online alone (i.e. outside of being embedded in a full length performance or display to the public such as a sermon or church service) to prevent the unauthorized distribution of our media. So remix it and make it your own before posting online. 

Don’t broadcast any original Content or Derivative work via network television. However, local access broadcasts are acceptable if it is a Derivative work or if the original Content is embedded in a full length sermon or church service.

Don’t lift music from Content such as countdown timers and use elsewhere.

Don’t extract the motion background and use it separately from an End Product. 

Don’t claim intellectual property rights (such as copyright) over the Content within an End Product. 

Don’t create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

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